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VEGGIE A fruit bar serving only the finest natural produce that will awaken all your senses. Read More YUMMIE A fruit bar serving only the finest natural produce that will awaken all your senses. Read More FRESH A fruit bar serving only the finest natural produce that will awaken all your senses. Read More FRUITY A fruit bar serving only the finest natural produce that will awaken all your senses. Read More

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Coffee Menu

Praesent condimentum rutrum nibh, nec ullamcorper odio laoreet blandit.

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Cafe Latte


Fresh brewed coffee

Ice Coffee


Cold brewed espresso

coffee 3


Espresso, mocha sauce, milk

coffee 4


Rich espresso with milk

coffee 5


Espresso and milk

Cafe Latte


Fresh brewed coffee

Ice Coffee


Cold brewed espresso

coffee 3


Espresso, mocha sauce, milk

coffee 4


Rich espresso with milk

coffee 5


Espresso and milk

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Am mancat de la Dvs ,de Paste, cei mai buni cozonaci . Doresc sa comand din nou.

Doina I.,

Am fost plăcut surprinse de gestul dumneavoastră și va mulțumesc ca va gândiți la noi. Asistentele și infirmierele din secția obstetrica ginecologie.

Doina V.,

Va multumesc pentru amabilitate. Cozonacul primit astazi este delicios si pufos, are gustul copilariei, reteta din caietul bunicii! Asteptam livrarea saptamana viitoare.

Andra-Elena E.,

Va multumesc pentru amabilitate. Cozonacul primit astazi este delicios si pufos, are gustul copilariei, reteta din caietul bunicii! Asteptam livrarea saptamana viitoare.

Rebeca V.,

genial cozonacul. eu nu prea mananc cozonac, dar acesta are ceva f aromat in el. sper sa-l mai faceti. eu l-am cumparat din mega image. nici nu stiam ca e disponibil in supermarket, dar m-a atras ambalajul si chiar a meritat "investitia"

Ralli S.,

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Tom Knolltonns


Calla Spearing


Jenson Smith


Donovan Reed


Sunny Pierce


Roseanne Ibbott


Veggie Menu

Praesent condimentum rutrum nibh, nec ullamcorper odio laoreet blandit.

Apple Pie Oats


Warm oats, chia seeds, almond milk and caramelized apples

Avocado Sandwich


Mashed avocado on sourdough bread

Burrito Wrap


Wholegrain wrap, black beans, spinach and cashew queso

Indian Curry Bowl


Red lentils, coconut curry, goji, rice, yogurt and sliced almonds

Seaweed Salad


Marinated seaweed, mushrooms, kale, sweet potato, dressing

Risotto ai Funghi


Risotto with forest mushrooms

Chestnut Ravioli


Ravioli with chestnut and cheese

Pumpkin Pottage


Spicy pumpkin pottage

Roasted Vegetables


Squash, red bell pepper, potato, thyme

Carrot Cake


Gluten free carrot cake

Great Service

Donec rutrum in justo eget. In porta nisi fringilla arcu, ac dui tempor et.

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Latest Posts

Praesent condimentum rutrum nibh, nec ullamcorper odio laoreet blandit.

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Welcome to Gaspard, an online haven for true coffee lovers.

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